Here's what you need to know about Mystery Shopping

We have all heard about undercover agents, right? Did you know companies have such secret shoppers too? Yes! They do. That’s what mystery shoppers are all about. They are undercover shoppers sent by a company, especially retail businesses, to check the company’s proper functioning.
Basically, mystery shoppers are paid undercover customers hired to shop and collect data. They are sent to observe, interact, and report employee behaviour and customer reactions to the company. These shoppers are hired by a third-party called Mystery Shopping Agencies; if not, they are provided by companies as Mystery Shopping Agents but are not employed by the concerned store or company directly.
These mystery shoppers are sent to stores, banks, restaurants, apartment complexes, malls, and mostly all the businesses where customer service and interactions are involved. They can buy items, return items, eat at a restaurant and perform all things a customer might. The point to be noted is, they are not for giving opinions but to only report, usually by filling a survey.
They can either act as casual customers and report from that perspective or ask specific questions to be “difficult customers.” Such as:
- Number of employees on duty
- How were you greeted
- Speed of service
- Customer wait time and help during product selection
- The sales pitch that was given
- Cleanliness of the store
- Presentation and grooming of the employee- appearance and etiquettes
- Conduct at the billing counter
- Patience and devotion towards a customer and other attributes.
Here is why your service-based business shall have mystery shoppers:
Improves customer service- Nothing can beat practical exposure. While you can analyze and make reports that which area lacks sales, it requires additional time and energy and might not reveal practical solutions.
A good mystery shopping program helps reveal real situations and areas where work is needed. It can also help to find potential solutions before the sales are affected.
Excels behaviour- It is only natural that human interaction changes when they are under observation. When they are all by themselves—employee behaviour changes in front of peers and supervisors. At the same time, it can be different in front of customers. It can either improve as there is not any pressure or can be otherwise.
Mystery shopping program can help you see how your employees are behaving not only when they are in the frontline to fulfil basic tasks and duties but also how they are encouraging customers when they are being approached.
Ensures consistency- Consistency in maintaining quality and customer value is very important for a business. It shall remain same throughout all stores. Thus, a compelling mystery shopping program ensures such monitoring.
Maintains an all-round work environment- It helps in communicating clear expectations and what need to be done next? Also, what to do and what not to do? This allows the company preparing ahead of time and meet company goals and targets. It also helps get an overall Employee Net Promoter Score, to keep an account of employee’s loyalty and ambassadorship.
Initiating rewards and incentives- Every company wants to reward loyally and to its best employees. Mystery shopping program can help you recognize this in the right direction.
To conclude, there will always be ups and downs and newer technologies coming in- one thing that drives sales still is customer service. So, the focus shall never shift from improving that area. A mystery shopping program ensures that. You want to know more or want a mystery shopping agent? Call us on 022-6699668/ 022-6699672.